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[spunge] Sleazoid lyrics

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Pedigree Chump
Sleazoid lyrics by [spunge]

Here comes that guy with the shiny teeth. A nicer guys easy to meet
Nudge you with a boney elbow and tell you something you don't wanna know.

I'm sat here wishing i was with somebody else
If i hear much more crap then my ears gonna melt
By the end of the night it'll end up in a fight, i just can't help myself.

He gets his tanstraight from the tub, it glows bright orange in the club
Talk the hind legs off a donkey his voice drones on it's all in one key.

I'm sat here wishing i was with somebody else
If i hear much more crap then my ears gonna melt

By the end of the night it'll end up in a fight, i just can't help myself.

Hes an obcene guy, a not too clean guy
Give anything to try his whole damn life a lie
Just like a piece of pie greasy enough to fry
Na na na na

Oi oi oi oi! Oi oi oi oi!

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